I've been making money off mystery shopping now for about 6 months. It's a fun way to earn money without any stress or real disadvantages.
What Is Mystery Shopping?
Mystery shopping is - basically - where you shop and get paid for it. You will be paid a small fee for going to the requested store and buying, often, whatever you want (you will also be reiumbursed to a point). You then return home and answer questions put to you by the mystery shopping company about your visit. These are often questions like:
- Was the store busy?
- Were the staff friendly and helpful?
The questionnaires generally don't take too long.
The pay for mystery shopping varies depending upon the visit. I've been paid between £4 (+£3 reimbursement for buying a sub from subway) and £15 (+£3 reimbursement for visiting a few areas of a local Asda). Really, the money isn't half bad for what you have to do.
Think of the advantages. You get to buy stuff you were probably going to buy anyway (for free really) AND get paid for it. Once you've done a few successful visits, you begin to get offered visits to restaurants and hotels - so you can eat for free too!
One of the major advantages is that you aren't tied to anything. None of the visits are obligatory (until you've accepted). You get 'offers' and you can choose to accept/decline/ignore any offer you wish.
Some of the best mystery shopping sites are these:
- www.retaileyes.co.uk - Retaileyes is brilliant and simply laid out. There are countless offers up every day and a good score system. I've had pub meal visits, shop visits and pharmacy visits from these. Give it a look :).
- https://www.grassrootsmysteryshopping.com/ - Grassroots don't give offers as often as Retaileyes - but pay a lot better. I've had payments in excess of £14 off these - definately worth a look.
- http://www.gapbuster.com/ - I've not personally done any visits for Gapbuster, but I'm told they pay very well for certain assignments. These guys do visits to popular fast food restaurants like McDonalds and KFC.
- http://www.gfkmysteryshopping.co.uk/ - Again, not done any visits for GFK. Still, you should have a look anyway.
All these sites are free to join and work for - I've never had to pay them anything at all. You've got absolutely nothing to lose so head over now and sign up.
If you have any queries, please comment and I'll try and answer. Also, If you liked the information set out here, please help support my blog and follow it :) Thankyou.